Have Your Say: Fit for the Future
Council Amalgamations
Willoughby Council is reminding residents that community consultation on the
Fit for the Future proposal closes on
Friday 5 June.
Residents can have their say by completing an online survey at www.haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au
In addition to the survey, Council is also seeking expressions of interest from people to be a part of a
Citizens' Panel on the issue. The Panel will meet a number of times to be informed about local government reform and how it impacts Willoughby, and will then be asked to provide a recommendation to Council. Community members can register their interest in the
Have Your Say website.
“By now all residents will have received an information pack detailing the background to the State Government’s proposed amalgamations, and what this means for Council and the Willoughby community, said Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney.
“Willoughby is a unique and wonderful place and it is important that its communities continue to prosper well into the future. It is important that any decision made in relation to amalgamations must be informed by the community it represents. I encourage you all to take part in the consultation process and make your voice heard,” Mayor Gail added.
Background on Fit for the Future
The State Government has given councils in NSW, including Willoughby, until 30 June 2015 to respond to its
Fit for the Future proposal, which recommends the amalgamation of councils in metropolitan Sydney.
This includes the recommendation that Willoughby City Council amalgamate with neighbouring councils Lane Cove, North Sydney, Mosman, Hunter’s Hill and part of Ryde.
Willoughby Council has commenced community consultation on four possible scenarios:
1) Willoughby only
2) Willoughby and North Sydney merger
3) Willoughby, North Sydney and Lane Cove merger
4) Willoughby, North Sydney, Lane Cove, Hunter’s Hill, Mosman and part Ryde (eastern two thirds) merger
Council is also undertaking a number of studies and research projects to assist in preparing a comprehensive submission to the NSW Government to ensure that Willoughby’s communities are in the best position going forward.
May to June 2015
Council considers community feedback and proposed
Fit for the Future submission.
June 2015
Council makes submission to State Government by June 30.
October 2015
Independent Panel make recommendations to the State Government, having considered submissions.
March 2016
State Government begins implementation of the adopted recommendations from the Independent Panel.